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Antomor's personal website.

Where ideas become words (maybe)

Mongodb Query Profiler

Steps involved to analyse the performance of a MongoDB query


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A Cheetah

Some months ago, I was creating a web page to show some aggregated data, but I soon noticed the API used to retrieve the data was very slow. After investigating on the possible issue, we discovered the bottleneck: the database. The solution was to re-structure the data to make it consumable from a web page.

Let's Test

A brief introduction about testing


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This article is not intended to cover the whole testing process due to its vastness. Having a glance at its Wikipedia page could give an idea of it. I am going to cover only the tip of the iceberg, but it is important to remind that bugs cannot be eliminated from the software, but in contrast, they must be discovered as soon as possible.

Getting Started With My Website :-)

Main reasons behind the blog.


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A long route

Here in this post, I am going to explain why I am starting writing something on INTERNET and what I am going to share. I perfectly know that there are so many sites today, describing almost everything, but these are only some of the reasons which drive me at this point:

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Software Engineer passionate about Security and Privacy. Nature and animals lover. Sports (running, yoga, boxing) practitioner.